The first minor update for CheckBook 3 and CheckBook Pro 3 is ready. As minor updates go, this one’s major. Read on for some highlights or skip to the updates.
We resolved a crash
Fairly early on, we learned of a crash for folks coming out of the Schedule Reminder and found it’s triggered by having your Mac set to display scrollbars full-time. That’s all better now.
Now you can choose light or dark mode
We’ve received a ton of feedback about CheckBook 3’s support for dark mode – and its lack of support for overriding the system’s appearance mode with your preference. To be clear, 3.0 let you choose the colors for each appearance mode but flipping between the two sets of colors doesn’t override the system appearance. Now 3.0.1 lets you have the appearance you want. Light? Dark? System? It’s all good. Check it out: Go to the CheckBook or CheckBook Pro menu at the top left corner of your screen, next to the Apple () menu, click Settings… or Preferences…, and look for the new Appearance setting just below your appearance colors.
We miss the drawer, too!
Throughout the week we’ve heard a steady murmur of low-key unrest over the new Accounts sidebar, how it isn’t fit to carry water for CheckBook 2’s Accounts drawer. One person took it quite a bit further, comparing the experience to Windows, tossing that grenade over their shoulder while hustling back to good ol’ CheckBook 2. Ouch! And yet…well…we feel you on this because we loved Mac OS X’s drawers. They made perfect sense for things you didn’t want to see full-time, or for things you didn’t want trampling your carefully manicured column layout. Sadly for drawer lovers, Apple put them to bed seven years ago. We, despite hearing every nail Apple pounded into that coffin, just kept finding ways to make them work – up to a point. When we laid plans for 3 with dark mode support and real fullscreen compatibility, the Accounts drawer had to go. Yeah, we could’ve hacked on them a bit longer but their appearance was already dated, they never got full fullscreen support, and it’s only a matter of time before something vital breaks. Every year we dreaded the major macOS beta season, from WWDC to early fall, holding our breath waiting for Apple to fix the inevitable drawer glitches, wondering if this is the year a major bug escapes out into the wild. It couldn’t go on.
Enter the sidebar.
Sidebars are the modern way of handling a lot of what drawers used to, but what we gave you in 3.0 was a bit of a punt, a sidebar that simply traveled into your window, trampling whatever it had to. It didn’t do anything to your columns, but it covered them so once you had things just right, showing or hiding the sidebar from there didn’t feel right. It worked…but did it bring joy? No. We just didn’t fully get how much that would crimp your style. With 3.0.1, that’s all in the past. The sidebar now expands away from the window, keeping its mitts off your column layout. While there’s still room for improvement, it feels a lot more like 2’s drawer, save for what you grab, and how you push or pull, to resize things. We hope you enjoy it!
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