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- CheckBook & CheckBook Pro 3.0.1 now available
- Crashing when dismissing CheckBook 3’s Schedule Reminder? Here’s a workaround and a plan.
- CheckBook and CheckBook Pro 3 now available
- Upgrade to CheckBook 3 for free or around 35% off
- Upgrade to CheckBook Pro 3 for free or around 40% off
- Resolved vs. Reconciled, and other life mysteries
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Author Archives: terra
CheckBook 2.5.2 – Strongly Recommended
This update resolves a potential data corruption issue in CheckBook 2.5 and 2.5.1 so we strongly recommend you install it as soon as possible. With the help of a small handful of users we found that the issue is so … Continue reading
Audiobook Builder Q&A
@splasmsoftware so a “file” would be all combined smaller tracks of 1 CD.? It would never split btwn files of one of the CD’s in the series? @splasmsoftware . . .cont. if so, may have 2 change from by part … Continue reading
Finances and Having It All
When it comes to finances, it seems like we could all use a little bit more. Bills to pay, far off places to visit, a couch without stains perhaps? What would you do with an extra $100 a month? How … Continue reading
Hug your loved ones and eat chocolate!
Valentine’s Day is tomorrow (what? oh, no!). Hopefully, you’ve got a plan (or a plan not to have a plan).But just in case you are scrambling for some ideas to make this Valentine’s Day a special one, here are some … Continue reading
Well, the world didn’t end. Time to set financial goals for 2013!
Ten! Nine! Eight! Peeking out from a pile of wrapping paper is a brand new year. 2013 is on the way and its time to review this past year and revise our goals. As with any type of goal, financial goals … Continue reading
CheckBook’s 10th Birthday Sale! Special price starts at $9.99 on 12/6. Price goes up $1 every day until 12/16!
Ten years ago, in two separate cities, a pair of young creators got together to bring new products into the world. Looking for a way to keep track of cash that was simple (yet powerful) inspired them to create CheckBook. … Continue reading