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- CheckBook & CheckBook Pro 3.0.1 now available
- Crashing when dismissing CheckBook 3’s Schedule Reminder? Here’s a workaround and a plan.
- CheckBook and CheckBook Pro 3 now available
- Upgrade to CheckBook 3 for free or around 35% off
- Upgrade to CheckBook Pro 3 for free or around 40% off
- Resolved vs. Reconciled, and other life mysteries
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Category Archives: General
Where did I purchase my copy of…?
Feeling a bit fuzzy on where your favorite Splasm app came from? There’s an easy way to find out! First, get the application’s build number Open the application. Go to the application menu, named after the application you’re in, near … Continue reading
macOS 12 Monterey compatibility roundup
Hello and welcome again to another macOS upgrade season! Every fall we rev our applications so you can enjoy them on Apple’s latest and greatest. This year’s no exception! We’re about to guide you through the glitches we know about … Continue reading
Where do I save my documents?
In short, we believe documents belong in the Documents folder, temporary projects or routine items you’re absolutely certain you won’t accidentally “clean up” can go on the Desktop, volumes formatted for anything besides APFS or Mac OS Extended may cause … Continue reading
Thoughts on the Documents folder
In the way, way, way back, before Mac OS X came in 2001 and changed the Mac forever, most Mac users came up with a filing system at the root of their startup volume, extended that to any external or … Continue reading
macOS 11 Big Sur Compatibility
Audiobook Builder: Compatible as of 2.1.1. Get the latest now! CheckBook: Compatible as of 2.6.16. Get the latest now! Return Labels: Compatible as of 1.1. PixelGriddle 1.1.1: Compatible. Keep in touch at support@splasm.com if you have any questions!
macOS 11 Big Sur Public Beta Compatibility
Welcome to the 2020 macOS Update Season, friends! macOS finally gets a major version bump this year, going all the way to 11, with a host of changes, upgrades, what have you, and we’re already cranking away on updates to … Continue reading