Since the dawn of the CheckBook Era, our use of color has been about helping folks identify Deposits vs. Debits at a glance, without thinking too hard. So when we added the running balance column years ago we decided to not color the individual balance figures because we thought it’d look a little messy, unkempt even, a bit more rainbow stew than helping hand.
Besides, we thought, a negative balance has a negative symbol.
That should do, we thought.
Symbols work in different ways for different people. Same thing with color. Some are just fine with symbols, some need colored amounts. It’s really easy to tell when you miss the mark on something like that, when “should do” doesn’t quite, cause you tend to get a few messages here and there about it. Sometimes more than a few.
True story.
And by Jobs, when CheckBook 2.6 is ready we’re gonna give our folks what they need.
That should do.