Update, 9/29/2023: Audiobook Builder 2.2.7 is now available.
Update, 9/28/2023: Audiobook Builder 2.2.7 is now available for Splasm Store users and is awaiting approval on the Mac App Store.
Update, 9/27/2023: We apologize, folks. Audiobook Builder 2.2.7 is taking a little longer than we expected to clear some key tests. We’re shooting for the evening of 9/27 but it could slip until 9/28.
Update, 9/26/2023: Audiobook Builder 2.2.7 will be available the afternoon of 9/27.
Update, 9/25/2023: CheckBook and CheckBook Pro 2.7.25 are now available. Enjoy!
It’s that time of year once again, when the big decision, besides whether to upgrade your iPhone, is the age-old “.0 or .1?” Bless your heart if you don’t know what we’re talking about! In any event, macOS 14 Sonoma will be here September 26th, and so, our annual round of macOS compatibility updates is coming up. Read on to learn about any glitches, and plans to address them, in each of our applications.
Audiobook Builder 2.2.6 is displaying a few things upside down. 2.2.7 will resolve these issues by the end of September.
CheckBook and CheckBook Pro 2.7.24 are displaying a few things upside down, missing a few button images, and Entry detail boxes (To/From, Description, and Category) don’t automatically close their menus when you Tab away. 2.7.25 will resolve these issues by the end of September.
PixelGriddle 1.1.2 doesn’t appear to have any issues, but we’re nixing a couple of bugs anyway. 1.1.3 will be out soon.
Return Labels 1.1.1 has a massive blinking text insertion cursor, because we zoom while you make changes to your labels and the completely new cursor system in Sonoma draws quite differently than in days of old. We’ll take care of that in 1.1.2, coming soon.
And that’s a wrap for the 2023 Apple OS Upgrade Season, folks. Please get in touch at support@splasm.com if you need any additional details. Thanks again for your support!