macOS 15 Sequoia is a welcome win-win this year, bringing several nifty new features for all Mac folk to enjoy (and Apple Intelligence yet to come!) without any major showstoppers for our applications. Audiobook Builder, CheckBook, and CheckBook Pro have their share of minor glitches, to be sure, so updates are on the way. Read on for details.
Audiobook Builder 2.2.9 will correct an issue with dragging a folder of audio files to Chapters, as well as a crash that can happen when you use the Audiobook > Rename feature to rename a batch of Chapters. In testing now and likely available 9/17 or 9/18 9/19 or 9/20*, depending on Mac App Store review. Audiobook Builder 2.2.9 is now available from the Splasm Store but is still in Mac App Store review so it could be tonight or early tomorrow before it’s available there. You can use the Splasm Store version, if needed, and switch back to the Mac App Store version when the next update is released. Get the update now.
CheckBook and CheckBook Pro 2.7.32 will correct corrects a small handful of interface & layout issues, including restoring our date pickers’ ability to use any date format you can select in System Settings. Expect this update 9/16 or 9/17, depending on Mac App Store review. These updates are now available: Get CheckBook or CheckBook Pro 2.7.32.
Please reach out to if you come across an issue you think we might’ve missed and we’ll get right on it. Thanks again for your support!