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- CheckBook & CheckBook Pro 3.0.1 now available
- Crashing when dismissing CheckBook 3’s Schedule Reminder? Here’s a workaround and a plan.
- CheckBook and CheckBook Pro 3 now available
- Upgrade to CheckBook 3 for free or around 35% off
- Upgrade to CheckBook Pro 3 for free or around 40% off
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Category Archives: Return Labels
How to: Update your Splasm applications
Click your application name for update instructions: Audiobook Builder 2 (Updated 11/4/2022) CheckBook 2 (Updated 11/4/2022) CheckBook Pro 2 (Updated 11/4/2022) PixelGriddle (Updated 11/3/2022) Return Labels (Updated 11/3/2022)
macOS 10.15 Catalina Compatibility
It’s October, the season of OS updates. Oh, look at em! There’s an iOS 13.1…! No! It’s a…13.1…2! Waaaaait a minute…I see a watchOS 6! On and on it goes, OS updates just a’streamin’ outta the mothership, with thousands of … Continue reading
Hey hey! Can you spare a 64-bit update?
As macOS 10.15 Catalina inches toward us from the distant horizon, we’re hearing a few folks need a 64-bit update to their favorite personal finance application or audiobook-building tool. Well, you’re in luck, dearest Splasmata aficionado, because we’ve already made … Continue reading
How’s compatibility with macOS 10.13 High Sierra?
As autumn falls upon us and the yearly flood of Apple product updates washes over the masses, we return once again to macOS update season. Christened “High Sierra”, macOS 10.13 brings relatively few user-facing changes but a plethora of new … Continue reading
I purchased from the Mac App Store, but this app keeps asking for a serial number!
The short of it is Mac App Store apps won’t ask for a serial number. If you’re asked for one, you’ve got a version that isn’t from the Mac App Store. Namely, a trial from our website. The long of … Continue reading
I updated my Mac and now my favorite Splasm app won’t open
Fear not! macOS updates can be a bumpy ride, but chances are we know about the issue and have already updated your app so all you need to do is install the latest version and get back to business. Give these a … Continue reading